Contemporary Management İn The Football Clubs

Contemporary Management İn The Football Clubs
Sport (or sports) is all forms of usually competitive physical activities that is played or done by individual or team in order to stay healthy, provide entertainment and evaluate spare time through predetermined rules.
The most effective factors in sports are the physical capacities of people, their skills, and belief in victory. The sport, particularly in recent years, has accepted the practical suggestions of human life in order to have a better quality and healthy life in a balanced way. It is also considered a good practice with cultural activities to help psychologically prepare individuals for daily life. In addition to this, sport undertakes a specific role for an individual in terms of be able to control his/her own body by discipline, to get the habit of teamwork, to drive for success, and to facilitate the compliance of social life. In the beginning of human existence, sport was used for the basic needs; however, sport is today seen as a tool of social participation, being healthy, and enjoyment or a job.
With the entrance of sport to human life, it brings a different aspect to sport that not only physical education and sport classes in schools but also physical activities for healthy purposes are involved in daily life. The sport investments has begun especially in Western societies, that extends to borders of education, as well as the transition to modern Olympics sports helped to establish a foundation of sport philosophy and spread it to large audience
With the effect of globalization, sport is getting started an industry in terms of product, service, and organization. Whatever its management type or ideology, the term “Globalization of Sport” has resulted in the rules of sport that pass the national boundaries, as well as the cultural prevalence of sport that cannot be excluded any country.
As a global phenomenon, sport is spreading depending on the socio-economic conditions of societies, on the other hand, it is also beginning to show itself economically as much as in sport industry. Some issues in sports due to paying astronomical transfer fees to athletes, appearing world clubs in global stage, following sport organizations by millions of people, advertising and sponsorship agreements, and a contribution to the country presentation help to become sport industry more important such as organization and facility investments, sport accommodations, sports fans, the broadcasting of sport organizations, food-drink industry, sport souvenirs, sports clothing, and so on. As well as the globalization, the process of professionalism removes the sportive events only being a game, it converted into a functioning economic area. Particularly football is beyond of a game, it functions like a miniature model in the social life that transfers a set of role and values to social life over it.
As a result,with the impact of globalization, the world which has become economically a large market and created a new market environment including the sport in the development of knowledge and communications technologies.
The sport which is accepted as an alternative in evaluating spare times, in parallel with the development of technology, it is spreading to large audiences. People and organizations in this industry have changed over time; clubs were converted into a business, fans and spectators were converted into a consumer. Since the beginning of the 1990’s, the sport industry has seen as a profitable area and incorporation of the professional sport organizations or teams, public offering, higher ticket prices and broadcasting rights changed the Figure of the sport industryAs a result of this rapid change and development, it brought with some problems. Some football teams that either went bankrupt or became over indebted one by one that they cannot keep pace with rapidly changing the industry. To overcome those problems, UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) has published a set of criteria as effective of since 2008-2009 football season. The situation in football industry which is getting worse, therefore UEFA (Union of European Football Associations) has published a set of criteria as effective of since 2008-2009 football season. Since 2014, those criteria were made obligatory in order to join in international competitions organized by UEFA.
The organizational structure of football teams, the size of incomes, the features of fans, the physical conditions of stadiums, physical and technical capacities of the players, the tactical and technical skills of coaches, written and visual media of the sport which are running to manage the dynamics of sport has been changed.
The football which is the driving force of sport and being the most important part of sport industry. The football teams in the past were managed with an amateur understanding and continuously resulted in the failures. Therefore today they need to restructure in terms of financial, legal, social, and organizational aspects.
The subject of this thesis; is studied the impact of UEFA criteria on professional football teams in order to provide sporting achievement to manage effectively and efficiently. The book consists of four main parts.
In the first part; is stated the study and literature. In the second part; is explained the methodology of the research In the third part; ; is analysis of research, comments regarding questions, and In the fourth part; is explained the discussion and conclusion.