Analyzing Existing and Targeted Culture Typologies
Analyzing Existing and Targeted Culture Typologies in the Light of the Strategy Document in Foundation Universities: The Case of A Foundation University Serdar Samur, Merve Üsküplü Abstract Universities are multi-cultural, complicated, social education organizations. The presence of academic and administrative employees at these organizations might result in cultural differentiation, which is influenced by changing environmental […]
Investigation of the Mediator Role of Cultural Variables in Sports Club
Management for Undergraduate Sports Management CurriculumPrograms ABSTRACT Change management in sports organizations is important in terms of organizational continuity. Sports Clubs, like other organizations, have their own behavioral patterns, beliefs and values. The sum of these differences constitute the variables within the organizational culture. Sports clubs that are aware of and develop their own cultural […]
Establishing Football Vocational Schools
ABSTRACT The aim of this study was to understand what principles should be used in the future when establishing Football Vocational Schools in Turkey in order to ensure that future Turkish football players are better trained, and that this occurs in economically viable ways. The study was conducted as a case study. The data were […]
Examination of Organizational Culture Variables in Sports Organizations
Serdar Samur (Corresponding author)Department of Sports Management, Sports Science FacultyIstanbul Gedik University, Istanbul, TurkeyE-mail: Abstract Organizational stagnation occurs in every system where basic cultural change slows down, and the current situation becomes the usual option until conscious and consistent cultural change initiatives are implemented. It is seen that sports organizations in our country […]
Futbol Takımlarında Mücadele Azim ve İradesine Katkı Sağlayacak Kişilik Özellikleri
Özet Üstün bir performans, sporcunun fizyolojik ve psikolojik yetilerinin geliştirilmesi ve amaca uygun biçimde belirli bir düzeye yükseltilmes gerekmektedir. Futbol takımlarındaki performansın artırılmasına katkı sağlamak maksadıyla, teknik, taktik ve kondisyonel özellikler yanında, mücadeleci azim ve iradesini geliştirecek psikolojik özelliklerin de antrenmanın önemini artırmıştır. Bu alışmanın amacı, Futbol takımlarında futbolcuların mücadele azim ve iradesinin artırılmasına katkı […]
ÖZ Sportif başarıda sürekliliği sağlamak maksadıyla, sporcunun teknik-taktik ve kondisyonel açıdan yeterli olmasının yanında son yıllarda sporcunun performansını etkileyen psikolojik-sosyal ve çevre şartlarının da olumlu etkisi gözlenmiş ve incelenmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Spor Kulüplerinin en önemli bileşeni olan futbolcuların üstün performansa ulaşabilmelerini sağlayacak iç ve dış faktörlerin incelenmesidir. Bu araştırma, nitel araştırma yöntemleri içinde betimsel […]
Futbol Yönetiminde Organizasyon Tasarımı ve Süreç Yönetimi
Özet Her geçen gün futbol oyununun standartları yükselmekte ve bu oranda beklentiler de artmaktadır. Futbol pastasından yeterince pay alabilmek ise sportif başarıya ve bunun sürekliliğine bağlı bulunmaktadır çünkü sportif başarı ve onun getirisi ile başlayan ve bunu ekonomik başarıya dönüştürme çabası içine giren bir organizasyon hizmet yaşam eğrisinde sürekliliği sağlamanın en önemli kriterini yerine getirmiş […]
Abstract: After the 1990’s, the changes in the football world had helped to develop and to grow the economy of football rapidly. The development of digital broadcasting led to build a bigger commercial structure. With the effect of those changes, commercial incomes, sponsor revenues, stadium and facilities incomes, and betting incomes have increased over time. […]
Abstract: After the 1990’s, the changes in the football world had helped to develop and to grow the economy of football rapidly. The development of digital broadcasting led to build a bigger commercial structure. With the effect of those changes, commercial incomes, sponsor revenues, stadium and facilities incomes, and betting incomes have increased over time. […]
ABSTRACT Due to globalization, the world is in a big wave of transformation. Sports industry, which has become a sector in this wave, is experiencing a big change with the development of technology since the 1990’s. Together with globalization, with the process of institutionalizationprofessionalization, the culture of winning and the will of gaining success have […]