Current Studies in Social Sciences 2022

This book, which has been prepared with a multidisciplinary approach, consists of 15 chapters
and has been prepared by expert academics who will contribute to the relevant fields.
In the first part; Using literature in language language teaching has long been an established
area of practice. The authors stated the reasons that rationalize the widespread use of literary texts. Titles with regards to the the place of literature in different teaching methods along the years, the approaches to the use of literature in language classrooms and different genres in literature were followed by a sample lesson at the end of the chapter.
In the second part; The author explained the importance of estimation in our daily lives. The estimation strategy was mentioned as a reasoning technique that we constantly refer while reaching at a decision. In the chapter, three types of estimation strategies were presented as computational, measurement and numerosity.
In the third part; the authors highlight the importance of the ecology where teachers perform
teaching practice. They argued that teachers including those who work at vocational high
schools need a supportive environment to develop and hone their teaching skills. To this end, the authors shared types of professional activities and maintain their argument with an emphasis
on practice activities.
In the fourth part; Güneş questioned the function of government in society with relation to the services provided by providing the types of poverty, the author stated that the concept of social
work has evolved through the centuries by turning the meaning of ‘citizen’ into ‘customer’.
In the fifth part; Samur defined the concept of culture in its basic form. Along with the concepts of corporate and organizaional culture, the author situated his argument in sports field with an
emphasis on sports clubs. The author mentioned the ways and potential benefits of establishing
organizational culture at clubs.