Staff Colonel Serdar Samur,PhD,MBA
Serdar SAMUR retired early in 2008 at his own request, at the rank of Staff Colonel from the Turkish Armed Forces, where he served for 25 years.
Following his retirement, he served as the Deputy Chairman of the Göztepe Sports Club Association’s Board of Directors and the General Manager (CEO) of the Göztepe Sports Club Company until Göztepe’s ascension from the 3rd to the 1st league between 2008 and 2012.
In 2015, Serdar Samur graduated from the Manhattan Institute of Management Business School in New York, USA, with an MBA. In 2016, he completed his PhD studies in Theory and Methods of Physical and Sports Education as a special student at Vasil Levski National Sports Academy in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Between 2017 and 2019, Dr. Serdar Samur worked at Gelişim University School of Physical Education and Sports as Deputy Director, Head of the Sports Management Department, and lecturer. AQAS, which establishes European Higher Education Standards, recognized the Department of Sports Management during this time. Later, he transferred to Istanbul Gedik University Faculty of Sports Sciences in 2019 and served as the head of sports management department and lecturer at the faculty between 2019-2022.
Dr. Serdar Samur, a strategic and sports management expert, has contributed to the growth of Turkish sports management and culture by writing several national and international papers and books. These books include “Corporate Football Management (Football But Which Football)”, “Stress Management in Sports”, “Construction of Contemporary Football Management (English)”, “Contemporary Management in Sports Clubs (English)”, “Sport Management in the Information Age”
Dr. Serdar Samur convened interviews with specialists in the field, which he moderated alongside Technical Director Yılmaz Vural, Ersun Yanal, and Sporting Director Damien Comolli, in order to discover answers to the issue areas of Turkish Sports. He also held conferences and seminars with experienced scientists on topics such as “Gender Equality in Sports, Uncertainty-Chaos and Order, Post-Modern Perspective (Man’s Search for Meaning), and Quantum and Human,” which are noteworthy for the new age.
In accordance with the National Development Agency Istanbul Youth Program, he wrote a project called “Developing the Physical Abilities of 6-13 Years Old Children – Reach Talent” in 2021. In addition, he also wrote the projects “Comparison Between European Sports Universities and Foundation Universities” and “Social Participation of 11-13 Years Old Girls Who Can’t Do Sports” within the scope of Erasmus+ Sports Program in 2022.
Dr. Serdar Samur has a blog at the Business Institute and an audio column that can be heard on ANCHOR, APPLE, and Spotify, and he uses social media to share his knowledge. (https://anchor.fm/serdar35)/(https://serdar.samur.com).
Dr. Serdar Samur is a member of the EASM European Association for Sport Management and the Turkish Sports Sciences Association, as well as the Turkish Football Federation Foundation’s chief advisor.